We have been learning about the ocean and the creatures that live in it lately. We've read a few books about whales and decided to test out how baleen whales use their baleen. (If you don't know what baleen is here's a link.)
The plan was to use these pretty little butterfly sprinkles as krill and filter water through our teeth to catch them like a whale would use its baleen.
It seemed like a good plan. However, it turns out that it takes the water about thirty seconds to get green and nasty looking (and tasting). I assumed we would have to be somewhat quick, but I was thinking closer to a few minutes than thirty seconds. This is the water after about 4 seconds - still relatively clear.
And here is Gage filtering out his krill. The plan didn't really work out very well with the gross water and whatnot (even Gage ended up finding it too gross), but they had fun eating dry sprinkles afterwards. And I think they even understand how baleen works now.