Friday, December 26, 2014

christmas crafting

These are the ornaments the kids made for all of their grandparents for Christmas. We used a clay made from cornstarch, baking soda and water. You just cook it on the stove top until it turns into clay.

Cutting out shapes.


The finished ornaments.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

longwood christmas lights 2

These pictures are all from inside the conservatory.

This picture is fairy tale trees.

This room was set up as a peacock masquerade ball. There were so many people going through that I only had a few seconds to take a picture so the first two are rather blurry.

longwood christmas lights

We went to see the Christmas lights at Longwood Gardens last week. I got quite a few pictures, but not many good ones. Christmas lights are a pain to photograph and I only had my phone not my camera. Plus, I had to take them all rather quickly before someone walked in front of me.

These ones are all from in the conservatory. Everything was bird themed this year. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but there were birds everywhere and a lot of the ornaments were birds or bird related.

This tree has all penguin ornaments.

A couple very blurry fountain show pictures (these ones are back outside).

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

graham cracker houses

Making graham cracker gingerbread house.

Crosby just ate graham crackers and M&Ms.

Piper licking icing off of a lollipop that then got more icing and turned into her chimney. 

Piper's house.

Rory's house.

Gage's house. The thing on the right with the orange blob sticking out is a car with a skull ring pop driving. (We used some leftover Halloween candy.)