Saturday, September 14, 2013

crayons 2

So, back when the Canal Museum was upstairs, they had a water table-like setup for kids to push boats through and learn all about canals and such.

Here are a couple pictures of Rory and Gage using it in 2011. Since Crayola took over they just painted a Crayonland mural above the water table and made boats shaped like crayons. The rest is still just the same. We pushed our crayon boats through all the locks and saw all the same signs about how canals work.

Piper had to make sure she got a purple crayon boat.

They have a huge indoor playground that the kids loved. The second picture is Gage walking through the colorful tunnel that you can see in the first and third pictures. The first picture was taken on the third floor and the third picture was taken on the fourth floor. The floor around the playground is all tiles that look like a sidewalk. There is sidewalk chalk all around to color with. They also have some white animal sculptures. There was a turtle, a hippo and at least one other thing that I don't remember. The animals are all dry erase and there are dry erase crayons to color on them.


This room was full of things to do in the dark. There are games and pictures projected on the floor where Gage is playing. Some of them you have to stomp on balloons and pop them, some of them were pictures that you colored by walking on them, some had balls you had to kick into goals and quite a few other things.

Glowing doodle boards.

There were six or eight crayons on the wall here. When you stood in front of one and danced it did whatever you did. 

The top floor is all melted wax. All of these crayons the kids are standing at have holes around them. The holes each have a different shade of melted crayon inside. They dip wooden sticks in and paint with the melted wax. There was also spin art with melted crayons that we didn't get a chance to do and crayons that we melted and molded. (I'll have pictures of them in my next post.)

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