Sunday, November 24, 2013

please touch museum

We went the Please Touch Museum on Friday. It's in Philadelphia in a big old building in Fairmount Park. It's a really awesome museum. I originally found out about it from a list in a magazine of the top ten children's museum in the country. We got there at 9:30 in the morning and left at five when the museum was closing and still didn't get to do everything. And the kids would have been happy to spend a lot more time doing the things they did do. Hopefully everyone wants to see a lot of pictures. I ended up taking 152 and I cut out a lot but still have 65.

These pictures are the water tables. The first picture is probably a about a quarter of all the water tables.

This cylinder is made to spin. When you do it fast enough the water travels up it and out the top to turn the wheel. The museum is mainly for kids seven and under. Rory is six and can get the water about three quarters of the way up the tube and I've never seen any other child able to do it either.

Watching the water fun.

This is a very limited view of the Alice in Wonderland exhibit. There are so many tunnels and rooms that it is hard to get a picture.

This picture spins and looks like Alice is falling down the rabbit hole.

Tea party! Piper got to sit in a purple chair.

 Rory dressed as Alice. The March Hare and the Mad Hatter are at the tea party table.

This is made to look like the room is getting smaller. The floor is sloped and Piper thinks it is a slide. She spent a lot of time laying on her back and pulling herself down floor with her feet.

Grocery shopping. There is a huge grocery store with tons of food and a kitchen to cook it all in. I ended up with lots of not so great pictures. There are a lot of rooms with no sunlight and there is so much to do that by the time the camera is facing a kid they are doing something else.

Piper with a cartload of her favorite food.

Checking out.

A baby.

Riding the carousel. They have a really cool carousel with cats, goats, rabbits and pigs along with the horses.

This is where Piper always rides on any carousel. She has some strange fear of carousel animals. She has no problem being near them, but she hates actually riding on them.

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