Saturday, January 31, 2015


more briar again

Lunch at the hospital.

meeting briar

Everybody is quite thrilled to have a little sister. They all think she's wonderful. Crosby likes to spend all day saying, "I love you baby" and kissing and hugging her and telling us he is petting her. Apparently she's a dog. Now we just need to convince him to do it gently.

Briar's cousin Clara

Friday, January 30, 2015

more briar

Waiting at home to go meet Briar.

briar fern

Briar Fern Checkeye
born on January 27, 2015
at 3:14 am
10 pounds 8 ounces
23.5 inches

Briar seems to have gotten lost on the way out and she ended up going on an ambulance ride from the birth center where she was supposed to be born to the hospital where she was born by C section. She was face up instead of face down like she should have been and trying to be born at a strange angle also and she ended up stuck. She was born with a big red dent on the top of her head from being stuck against my pelvic bone and still has a red stripe there three days later.

Since we took an unexpected trip to the hospital and then to the operating room, the camera didn't make it into the building at first so these first pictures are from when she is two hours old. They are all also from strange angles. I took them while lying flat on my back unable to move with her on my chest.

crosby's lego house

Friday, January 23, 2015

dress up

He was running around very excited to be Spiderman. Then I tried to take his picture and he froze.

These are what happened when I told him to take his binky out and smile.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I climbed into the car to get him out and then sat him on the floor while I got back out. He just slept.