Thursday, December 31, 2015

hershey park 2

Piper and Gage driving cars made out of Christmas lights.

Piper thought the whip was great. She tells me everyday about how much fun it was.

Riding the train after dark to see the lights.

hershey park

Every year Hershey Park opens part of the park for a few weeks around Christmastime and puts up lots of lights and decorations. We went a few weeks ago when it was nice and warm (60 degrees I think).

Riding the Tilt-a-Whirl.

Hot air balloons.

Space ships.

This is the SooperDooperLooper. They're hard to see, but Adam is in the sixth row and Rory and Gage are behind him.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

longwood gardens

Pictures from the Christmas lights at Longwood Gardens. The pictures are all pretty terrible, but the lights were very nice.

This is Crosby getting to ride a bus. We went on a busy night and had to take a shuttle bus from where we parked. 

This is a pine cone chandelier.

The train display.