Thursday, June 30, 2016

crayola 2

Making dragon masks.

Making fancy crayons.

You can color pictures here and choose special effects for them. Then they get projected on the wall.

Toddler play area,

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


A trip to the Crayola Experience. It's super awesome. We hadn't been there since Crosby was a baby (herehere and here).

The outside of the building. 

A crayon crosswalk.

Painting with melted crayons.

Making dinosaur shaped crayons.

And crayon rings.

Crayon spin art.

Crayon boats.

This is a projector that puts interactive pictures on the floor. You can pop bubbles and make grass blow in the wind and things by walking on the picture.


An awesome crayon playground.

Thursday, June 16, 2016