Sunday, November 30, 2014

candy lane

We went to Hershey Park last Sunday. Every year at Christmas time they open up some of the rides and put up Christmas lights and play Christmas music and call it Candy Lane.

This is right after we got there. Crosby loves dinosaurs so we put him on a dinosaur ride which he thought was awesome. And then it started moving and he spent the whole ride clinging to Rory and crying. When I got him off he just kept saying, "Scary, scary".

Next we tried the carousel. I figured it would be alright if I rode with him. I sat him on a horse and he said, "No, no, scary." So I tried a bench instead and he still refused to ride. So he watched. The whole time we watched he kept saying, "Dinosaur! Dinosaur! I want to ride on it".

Making friends with a chocolate bar.

Gage loves Corvettes.

Sneaking up on a squirrel. 

Cotton candy time.

Swings. Piper loves swinging and she loves riding these ones.

Watching the swings.

Waving to Crosby.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

christmas parade

A few blurry pictures from the E-town Christmas parade.

That's Clara with Piper.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

indian corn

The kids made some Indian corn the other day.

Crosby just made a mess. He got out of his seat and stared at the floor and said, "A mess, a mess".

Friday, November 7, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

trick or treat


a clone trooper,

a unicorn,

and a dragon.

When we first started trick or treating Crosby kept taking candy from one house and putting it in the bowl at the next. Eventually he decided to keep all of his candy. Then he got this apple and refused to accept any more candy for the rest of the night. He quit walking to be carried instead and just ate his apple (including the core). 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


When I first gave Crosby his pumpkin with the top cut off he said, "Ewwwww!" and started yelling, "No, no, no!". Anytime we put it near him he said no and ran away. And then at some point he decided to eat the pumpkin guts that he found so disgusting. 

This is the same pumpkin that Gage bought in this post. He bought it because it was green. We carved them 8 days after we bought bought them and it had turned almost completely orange.

Crosby and Piper's pumpkins. 


Rory and Gage's pumpkin. They both carved secret holes in the sides of theirs.