Thursday, June 12, 2014

children's festival

We went to the International Children's Festival at Ten Thousand Villages on Saturday. It has crafts and activities from cultures around the world. Here are a few pictures from last year's festival.

Here are the kids drawing water from a well and trying to carry water on their shoulders. Gage isn't actually tall enough to get the buckets off the ground.

On a Komboomba Trek. Each of the kids pushed a little man on a bicycle (a Komboomba) on a path around the store to different checkpoints with activities or information about different parts of the world.

Trying out instruments - I think these were called thumb pianos.

Card making.

Making pencil pouches.

I believe this game is from somewhere in Africa. I wasn't there when the man was explaining it to them, so I'm not sure and I also don't know the name of it. You play by throwing a ball into the air and the picking up a stick off the ground before the ball bounces. I'm not sure there was a child there who could actually play. There were balls rolling all over the place.

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