Thursday, August 6, 2015

fire trucks

We went to the Pennsylvania Pump Primers Muster last month. It's basically a bunch of people who own firetrucks and local fire companies that all bring trucks to the river in Harrisburg. A lot of them park right along the river and suck up river water and spray it back into the river. There were probably a couple hundred trucks there.

Watching all the trucks come in with their bells and sirens going.

Gage dressed all in red so he would match the trucks.

Trucks along the sidewalk above the river.

Trucks along the sidewalk beside the river.

Crosby with a fire truck.

Gage touching the water from the fire hose (that's my dad holding him up).

Adam,Gage, my brother Nathaniel, his daughter Clara, Rory and my dad looking at a truck. 

Piper staying in the grass away from all the water and mud and goose poop.

Rory, my nephew Blake, my dad and Gage pumping water from some old fire thingy.

Grandpa and Piper (and two strangers) pumping.

My dad and brother pumping.

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