Sunday, September 29, 2013

construction rodeo 2

Putting out a fire.

Digging for treasure. You have to find a wooden block with a number on it and you win the prize that matches your number. 


The kids really enjoy these. This is the first year they had the one with two seats. Rory was so excited to take Piper for a ride, but half the track is on an uphill slope and she could barely move them. Her and Gage both got pushed a lot and ran into quite a few cones.

Bouncy slide. You have to go through a sort of maze to get to the slide and no one thought that Piper could make it through. It was only for kids and Adam and I were both over the weight limit so Rory took her through. I'm pretty sure she had to shove her through a tunnel she couldn't make it through and then push her up a ladder, but Piper made it out the other side and had fun.

Construction Crosby. (It was the best picture I could get in between the wind blowing his hat off.)

Adam, Rory and Gage up on a lifty thingy. Piper wanted nothing to do with it.

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