Saturday, November 23, 2013


This is another sense of smell project - scent pictures. I put out a bunch of different herbs and spices and the kids made pictures by gluing them on paper. They had lots of fun smelling everything and creating pictures.

Our herbs and spices (and oats). They are all just things I pulled out of the pantry.

I was reading to the kids while they worked so I didn't see everything they were doing. At one point I looked up and Gage was making a horrible face. I asked him what was wrong and he said," I don't like them. They're really hot." For some reason he had decided to try cloves. When I told him to spit them out he had about 3 or 4 all chewed up in his mouth. I'm pretty sure he won't be eating any more cloves.

This is Piper's picture. I had a very hard time convincing her to use glue before her spices. When I finally did get her to use glue first she would put on enough for about ten pictures and then dump on piles of spices that were so thick they had no chance of sticking to the glue. She also got very upset about dumping the extra off the paper. She wanted her pictures all hung up with piles of spices just lying on them.

Finished pictures. They all decided to made fields and gardens. So all the different sections are beds of different things.

And the mess afterward. It wasn't actually as bad as I thought it was going to be although we did end up with an awful lot on the floor and Piper and Gage had to change clothes. I sat Crosby down for a minute to do something before I started cleaning and he decided that he should lay down and roll. I picked him up almost immediately and he was already completely covered.

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